For 13 years, she stood solidly behind and waited for the man of her dreams even when she was dumped by love.
Her fighting and never-say-never spirit kept her believing that her 'runaway' dream man would come back to beg for her hand in marriage. At last, it finally came to pass. Annie Macaulay can be described at the female warrior of the old Northern region, Queen Aminat.
On February 14, 2012 at Club 10, 2Face Idibia knelt before this woman of virtue to ask her hand in marriage after a lot of people have called her names.
In this interview, Annie described her feelings about those difficult times. And to those who gave up on her, she only said nice and encourage words about them. What a woman! Here is excerpt from her first post marriage interview.
Give us a brief introduction on who Annie Macaulay is?
I am a very simply person, an actress, a business woman, a mother and a wife!.
What made you want to become an actress? Childhood dream or career choice?.
Childhood dream. I also studied it in school. It’s something I really love and I am happy that God has put me in a place where I can actually live that dream.
How challenging has it been for you to stay in the movie industry?
It has not been easy, but God’s grace and favour is awesome.
Aside from acting do you have any other business you are into?
Yup! I do
Your life is in the public eye, what negative and positive effects has it had on you?
Negative: people are always in your business. Say what they like, true or false…mostly false..
Positive: I get a lot of favours, a lot of doors are easily opened. It is my life and I am going to live it to the fullest either way.
Let’s get a little bit personal. How did u feel when your hubby proposed? Did u know or have this feeling that something was up?
Awesome!!! You would feel the same if the man of your dreams gets on his knees and asks you to marry him…*smiles*.
After the proposal who was the first person you called?
My Mum.
Where did you guys get married? Was it a Traditional or white wedding or both?
We are legally married. The traditional and white would follow later. My husband and I are planning that. We will let you know.
You are a wife and a mother, how does that feel?.
It’s a great feeling. I feel totally blessed!–my kid is an awesome child. She brings me a lot of good luck. I have a great career which I love. A good man and we are happy.
People said a lot of things about you on Twitter after you got engaged to 2face Idibia. How did you handle it because I didn’t see you lash out at anyone?
Why would I lash out? Lol. Everyone has their own opinion about our relationship. That’s their problem. The truth is it doesn’t BOTHER me again, because we are very happy. We are not perfect but we have a happy home.
How approachable are you?? Do you choose who you talk and relate with?
It depends. Nowadays, I rather keep to myself though. I don’t mean I am being a snob. I am cool if you are cool. I don’t have any problems with anyone. Life is too short and I want to live mine to the fullest!
From meeting you, I will say you are a calm and reserved person. Do you think people judge you otherwise?
Yea, sometimes. They misunderstand me. But then I can’t please everyone. I will only do what I believe is right and try not to get in anyone’s way.
A few words to your people out there?
I would love to say: Free your heart and life from hate. Live a positive life and your dreams will fall into place.