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Madonna Breaks Silence on Gaga ‘Born This Way’

After Lady Gaga released her hit single “Born This Way,” Madonna is finally offering her take on the song … and it’s not exactly enthusiastic.

Gaga has long expressed her admiration for Madonna, calling the pop icon an inspiration. Comparisons between the two divas have been inevitable, from their dance-hall beats to their risque musical treatment of s*x and religion. The two even teamed up for a “catfight” skit on “Saturday Night Live” in 2010.

But last February’s release of “Born This Way” had many questioning whether the Mama Monster had gone too far in emulating her idol. The song, critics charged, was stunningly similar to Madonna’s 1989 chart-topper, “Express Yourself.”

Gaga would go on to say that she got an e-mail from Madonna’s “people” saying they supported the song, but a representative for Madonna later said she was unaware of any such e-mail.

When ABC News asked viewers to contribute questions for Cynthia McFadden’s interview with Madonna, the most popular request by far was that McFadden find out how the singer feels about Gaga.


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