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Adele’s song wakes 7-year-old British girl from coma

“There is a fire burning in my heart reaching a fever pitch, it’s bringing me out of the dark” that is the lyrics of the song that snatched back 7- year-old Charlotte Neve from the grasps of death. Charlotte had suffered a brain hemorrhage while asleep in her mother’s bed. Leila Neve, 31, noticed something was wrong with her daughter because, she was not breathing properly. 

 On turning her over, she discovered Charlotte was cold and floppy. She called 999 and when they got to the hospital; doctors discovered that she’d had a massive 12.1mm aneurism on the main artery on the back of her brain. She was diagnosed with brain hemorrhage, caused by a problem she was born with. 

She was transferred to Leeds hospital where she underwent two operations to stop the bleeding in her brain and placed under intensive care. Brain hemorrhage is extremely rare in 7 year-olds and usually occur in people in their 30s or older. Brain hemorrhage also known as cerebral hemorrhages, intracranial hemorrhages or intracerebral, can be caused by head trauma, untreated high blood pressure, abnormality in the blood vessel walls due to ageing, liver disease, brain tumour and blood or bleeding disorders.

 It is a type of stroke caused by a bust brain artery, allowing blood to leak inside the brain. The sudden increase in pressure within the brain can cause damage to the brain cells surrounding the blood. If the amount of blood increases rapidly, it could lead to unconsciousness or death. Two days after the brain hemorrhage, Charlotte suffered a series of strokes and slipped into a coma fighting for her life, doctors did not expect her to survive. 

Her mother was told to prepare for the worse. After lying comatose for a week, Leila was told to call family members and prepare for the final rites. Sorrowfully, Leila climbed into the hospital bed to give her daughter a last cuddle. While cuddling her, Adele’s hit single “Rolling in the deep” played on the hospital’s radio and Leila, recalling her daughter’s fondness for the tune, sang along and to the amazement of everyone, Charlotte smiled.

 “ I couldn’t believe it. It was the first time she had reacted to anything since the hemorrhage. The nurses were astounded and told me to keep singing and she smiled again. The nurses said it was like I unlocked her and from that day she started getting better and better”, said the joyful mother. Though doctors said she would not be able to see or speak again, within a few days Charlotte was able to get out of her bed.

 Several days later, she began talking. Two months on, and she amazed medics further by learning to walk again, regained a part of her sight, is back in school and even taking dance classes. Talking about her daughter’s miraculous recovery, Leila told reporters: She went back to school about two weeks ago for one hour a day and still has her occupation therapy and speech therapy, which is helping. ‘She’s gone back to dance class now where she does street, ballet and tap which she loves, although it really tires her out now.

 ‘Her older sister Megan has really helped Charlotte because when she was in hospital Charlotte had to cut her hair off because of all the wires - so Megan cut off hers too in support. ‘Music is a big part of her life - she loves music. She loves singing and dancing along to Adele, Katy Perry and Pink. So it shouldn’t surprise me that Adele was the song that woke her up.

 She’s a miracle marvel.’ In honour to her Charlotte’s miraculous recovery, her family and friends set up a Facebook fundraiser group called ‘Lottie Lou’s get well wish’ to save up for some medical things she’d need in the future. A per centage of it will also go to The Sick Children’s trust. A documentation of her progress is posted on the group’s page showing Charlotte laughing and playing. Thanks to music and Adele, Charlotte now has a second lease on life and the eight time Grammy Award winner can add “Healer’ to her growing list of attributes