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Home » » Oprah Winfrey gives her blessing to Rihanna's reunion with Chris Brown

Oprah Winfrey gives her blessing to Rihanna's reunion with Chris Brown

She is the chat show doyen renowned for her close relationships with the stars.
So no doubt Rihanna will be excited to discover Oprah Winfrey has given her blessing to her rekindled relationship with Chris Brown.

Earlier this year the duo had a heart-to-heart in which the Umbrella singer revealed she still 'loved' the man who hospitalised her in 2009 after a vicious assault.

But speaking on Extra, Oprah said she can understand why the pair have decided to get back together, and refused to criticise them

She said: 'I think that if she is prepared to deal with that and is prepared to help him help himself then so be it.

'I have no judgement about it. That's why I can sit there and have such a great time with her because I do all my interviews with no judgement whatsoever.

'If that's how you choose to lead your life, that's really okay.'

And she also speculated that Chris allowed the Rated R favourite to relive the abusive relationship her mother had with her father Ronald, which the pair discussed during their heart to heart.

Rihanna explained that as she got older she realised he was a good person deep down, and that his violent behavior was a product of his struggle to overcome serious personal demons.

Oprah said: 'You know what I loved about that interview is that she came with a big, wide open heart.

'She was in the space of forgiveness. And that she learned a lesson, that she was repeating with Chris Brown exactly what she needed to learn from her father.'
