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“True Love Doesn’t Care If You’re In A Relationship! He’s Fair Game Until I See A Ring”

You know how they say they’re more women than men in the world… Some people have used this statistical imbalance as a valid justification for polygamy and keeping your options open. Whether this is right or wrong is open to a whole lot of discussion and analysis. The dynamics of how these things work are however, very interesting.

 Last week, my friend told me of how her mother had sent a message to another mother saying “Sister, has Akin introduced any girl to you? Our Dolapo is single and even though they call us old fashioned, this is how things were done back in the day.” She said she asked her Mum what the plan was if Akin actually had a girl… her mother’s reply was “Then, he will decide which of you he wants” The fact that he probably was dating someone wasn’t important to the woman. 

I remember thinking… two mothers somewhere are scheming the ousting of one poor girl from the safety net of her relationship. I saw the picture of one hot chocolatey looking delight of a man on my friend’s Blackberry display picture… I asked if the guy was single and that’s how the matter became long… What do I mean by single? Ehn now… is he married? or dating anybody? 

My friend says, he’s not married sha but I don’t know if he’s seeing anybody *insert pause* then he adds…SERIOUSLY! So I ask my friend to ask the guy if he’s seeing anybody, seriously or otherwise and the silly guy asked to see my picture! I mean, how hard is it for you to tell if you have a significant other? 

It’s either a yes or a no, whether I’m beauty or the beast, shouldn’t matter, unless of course, he’s up to some mischief… Or so I thought, until my cousin said “No oh! It’s not simple like that oh! He’s fair game until I see a ring.” I’ve heard guys also say that the fact that a babe is dating someone doesn’t mean they can’t “enter set” and toast then, date the babe. Besides, you can’t let the presence of one pesky boyfriend who doesn’t have game mess up your runs.

 Babes who go all in and fight for what they want are hailed as Spartans! Besides, there are more women than men and since we’re in this really tight feeding trough, we all have to work for what we can get. For all you know, your ”perfect” man might just be in the arms of the “wrong” woman. What do you guys think?

 Is everyone fair game until they’re married? How much commitment does a guy need to make to his girlfriend before other girls would know to stay at bay? Do you guys agree with this tweet I saw this morning? “True love doesn’t care if you are in a relationship“