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Hot Topic: How Far Would You Go To Keep Your Man?(A MUST READ)

Men are hard to find, a good man…even harder. At least that’s what we women have been made to believe over the years. As soon as you find that man who ticks most or all of your boxes, you got to keep that dude on lock down or risk him being snatched from under your finely manicured finger nails.

 Plus we women pour out a lot into our significant others, we build them up when the world try’s to take them apart, we make sure we create enough stability at home so they have the confidence to stand tall among their peers and we try our hardest to help him dust off those bad habits. Eventually, we turn him into the man of our dreams, or at least we try to.

 Therefore you can imagine that the thought of another women walking away with our trophy man, after we’ve spent years painstakingly building him up, is a bit too much for most women to bear. Perhaps, this is what US First Lady, Michelle Obama was thinking recently. 

In April, the National Enquirer alleged in that Mrs Obama had banned both actresses Scarlett Johansson and Kerry Washington from the White House because they were ‘too flirty’ with the President. The tabloid also suggested that the First Lady has a ‘watch list’ of women that were to be kept away from her 50-year-old tall, dark and handsome husband. 

 Naturally, the White House has dismissed these claims as ‘completely false’ but can you blame her if it was true? Who would want to go down in the history books as being the first African American 1st Lady to have a Monica Lewinsky episode…or to have her husband stolen from her right there in the White House….err no thank you! 

 Mrs Obama and the validity of these rumors, aside, I’ve heard of many women who have gone to great lengths to keep women away from their husbands. Different strategies, from threatening suspected women to even having them beat up. I remember a while ago a friend of mine got slapped at a party by her colleague’s wife. 

The wife, who was 5months pregnant, at the time, had seen a picture of my friend hugging her husband and feared the worst. Her plan had been to threaten my friend with some harsh words but things turned ugly when my friend tried to walk away, Madame pulled her back by her hair and gave her a good smack across the face. 

Off course, it was left to me and a few other friends to tear both women apart, as the man in contention had suddenly disappeared. Although I can’t completely vouch for my friend, I do wonder if the wife’s slapping actions were entirely appropriate. Many have argued that if a man wants to stay with you, he will. If he doesn’t, it doesn’t matter how many women you slap, threaten or beat up, he’ll still get up one day and not come back. 

Plus, if any woman feels the need to ban, beat or provide any kind of embargo within her relationship, perhaps that suggests that there might be other issues she needs to deal with first? Or am I approaching this from the wrong angle? Do men need protecting? Do we as their girlfriends/wives have the responsibility to protect them from other women? If that’s the case, how far will you go to keep your man?