It will be unfair and totally an act of ingratitude for one not to appreciate the ingenuity of those behind the invention of Blackberry. Their effort towards unifying the world and simplifying man’s work through the use of the smart phone cannot be appreciated enough.
I have been inspired by one of our prolific writers, Rita Okoye who recently wrote on how young ladies engage young men in a relationship through the use of blackberry phone. In her write-up, Rita carefully expunged how these girls play their game in the most disapproving way.
Her write-up did not only open my eyes to the extent these desperate girls could go in their search for money, husband and connection, but was an eye opener to the general evil associated with the use of that witty machine called blackberry .
In this article, I will slightly disagree with Rita who held unto one side of her argument without necessarily looking at the angle where the men also got it wrong and become guilty as well as the ladies.
I have looked at several arising issues in this modern day Nigeria. I have seen that Nigerians are real extremists in so many things. I have weighed the importance attached to one’s Blackberry phone and one’s wife, and the difference is clear.
I have also weighed the difference between one’s food on the table and the smart phone, and the difference is obvious. It really doesn’t matter whether your wife is falling into a pit, so long as a man can hold on to his blackberry phone, there is no problem.
It doesn’t matter if a man stays awake throughout the night viewing display pictures of his contacts so long as some naughty pictures are displayed and some of the girls are willing to send their Unclad pictures to satisfy him. It doesn’t matter if a man drives into a pit or into another car so long as he responds to chats while he moves on the road. These are some of the things that are possible while using a blackberry mart phone.