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Why I Dumped Nollywood for God

Starting anything is not an easy task but once you are focused and put everything in the hands of the Lord, He will always provide window of opportunity and blessing for you no matter how long it takes.” With these inspirational words, Awele Chukwuedo made her debut in the gospel music circuit in Nigeria. 

Although she began her career as a script writer before venturing into singing for God. Her dream however, is to continue to grow and perhaps, reach her ultimate goal of being an international gospel singer who will bring comfort and thrills the hearts, souls and minds of not only Nigerians, but the world at large. Awele described herself as “a good dramatist”.

 According to her, she dumped Nollywood as soon as she realised that God does not want her to be part of the industry. “I was in my twenties when a Nollywood director, Ekenna Igwe developed interest in my writing and decided to register me in the Screen Writers Guild of Nigeria(SWGN). 

But as soon as I realised that God does want me to be part of the industry, I took my leave to discover my calling.”she narrated in a tone that knocked in a nail to seal the matter. Awele who is currently spearheading a group better known as Shachah Band, said she always focuses on the message contained in gospel music which is powerful to heal. 

The group recently released its maiden album titled “My ministry.” One of the tracks in teh album , “Cervical Cancer tory” dwells on how to stop our women from dying of cervical Cancer. She believes that Christianity is about showing people the way to life and that’s “exactly what I’m doing with my song.