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Kris Humphries 'claimed Kris Jenner told Kim Kardashian to film s*x tape'

This week, Kim Kardashian acknowledged her s*x tape was the reason she leaped to fame. Speaking to Oprah Winfrey, she admitted the release of the x-rated film with ex-boyfriend Ray J 'humiliated' the family.

Claim to fame: Kim appeared in the leaked s*x tape with ex-boyfriend Ray J in 2007

 However, her estranged husband Kris Humphries has apparently claimed her mother Kris Jenner conceived the idea of a tape in the first place. Humphries's ex-girlfriend Myla Sinanaj claims he told her many details about the reality TV star during their short relationship earlier this year. 

According to TMZ, Humphries told Myla that Jenner not only told Kim to make a sex tape, but also to re-film the original because it wasn't 'pretty enough'.  Eight months later after the tape's release, Kim and her family were given the opportunity to star in their own reality TV show Keeping Up With The Kardashians. However, a source from the Kardashian camp told TMZ that Kim never discussed the tape with Humphries during their short relationship because she didn't want to be judged by it. 

 Humphries accused Kim's mother Kris Jenner
 Short-lived: Kim and Kris were married for only 72 days Myla is threatening to release details of her relationship with Brooklyn Nets player Humphries after becoming infuriated with him following their break-up. The hotel worker has apparently become infuriated having tried to contact Kris 17 times on the phone, to no avail. 

Sources told TMZ that Myla has numerous text messages from Kris in which he declares she's the 'love of his life' and he can't wait to be divorced from Kim. Kim has subpoenaed Myla in her divorce case against Humphries because she believes their relationship contradicts his self-depiction as a heartbroken husband. While the reality star wants to divorce Humphries as soon as possible, he wants the marriage to be annulled.