1 . It’s okay to be sad. Cry your heart out if you want to. Go to the restroom when you feel like crying or lock yourself in your bedroom for as long as you want. One way on how to get over your ex-girlfriend is to deal with all the negative emotions and most especially the sadness.
2 . Give yourself a week or two. Feeling depressed is normally what comes after the breakup. Allow yourself a week or two to wallow in pain. If you are working, file a leave and take a vacation if you have to. In short, give yourself a break. Celebrate the fact that you were able to love someone that deeply because you won’t get really hurt if you never loved her honestly.
3 .It’s not easy to accept things right away but say to yourself, ‘she’s not THE one’ and that ‘somebody out there is meant for you,’ which is true. Maybe God made someone else better. The technique is to make her negative attitudes your focal point not because she was mean but because you have to just move to the next level more quickly.
4 . Go out alone or with friends. If you feel like getting rid of the heartache alone for a moment, go ahead. Stroll at the mall, enjoy the sunlight and talk to people you don’t know and see the world in a different light. The more you isolate yourself, the more your pain grows.
6 . Do something else. Take up a crash course or learn a new language just to get your mind busy on something else other than her. Your goal here is to create new memories and hopefully replace the memories you shared with your ex-girlfriend.
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