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Home » , » Marriage for Jim Iyke and Nadia Buari?

Marriage for Jim Iyke and Nadia Buari?

Quite unbelievable right? but its very true,  actor Jim Iyke and actress Nadia Buari the lovely couple have individually taken to their Twitter pages few hours ago to hint fans of their secret wedding plan.
"Fr years she stands in d space beside you in d eye of dark storms.She makes smth as unfathomable as luv seem easy.Shes d 1.Heaven testifies!" - Jim Iyke Tweeted
Nadia Buari's reply - "When you and your man/woman are wrinkly & old: Look at each other with the eyes you first saw each other. **True love never dies!**..."What kind of wedding would you like?" he asked, and stole another kiss before she could reply. "The kind that turns u into my husband."..~.She touched the firm line of his mouth with her fingers?" He smiled ruefully. "A Fast one".
I guess this is an indication of their upcoming wedding.    


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