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Nollywood Legend Pete Edochie Reveals he is Afraid Of Death

Veteran actor, Pete Edochie who is popularly known for his ‘no-nonsense, strict father’ roles he plays in movies has been off  the scene for a while in a recent interview reveals why he is afraid of death.

“I smoked for 21 years before I quit, and each time I got tensed up, I looked for a cigarette, and psychologically I was puffing awaythe anger; but there is no other thing it does for you physically but to destroy your lungs”.
On if he’s afraid of death and if he thinks about it
Yes, I think about death. Why shouldn’t I? I think about death not because it is inevitable but because I would like to be prepared to meet my maker when the time comes. That’s why I am afraid of death. There is nobody alive who likes dying. Even if a man is 100 years, loses his sight, becomes a vegetable and inconveniences others, he still wouldn’t like to go. So, yes, as a normal human being, I think of death. Merely thinking of death encourages me to avoid excesses.
On why he gave up smoking
As a young man, I drank a lot. I could drink any bottle under the table. It was because of peer group pressure. We enjoyed diverting ourselves alcoholically. We were not given to subduing the womenfolk as a mark of accomplishment; we always got together to drink and smoke cigarettes. As we got older, I felt there is a need to cut down on all these excesses. I gave up smoking though I smoked for 21 years. I gave it up when I discovered it wasn’t serving any purpose.
On how he now wards off anger after giving up smoking 21 years ago to manage his anger
I don’t get angry easily anymore; I used my Fabian philosophy to stop that.
On if he is a fulfilled man
Yes. What else am I going to ask from God? I have a brilliant wife and brilliant children. So, yes, I am (fulfilled).


  1. No body wants to die naaa, even @ old age
    kindly visit---

