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Home » , » Genevieve New Golden iPhone Generates Controversy.What's The Way Forward???( MUST READ)

Genevieve New Golden iPhone Generates Controversy.What's The Way Forward???( MUST READ)

The kind of comments on blogs, Instagram and Facebook pages after bloggers posted the news of  Genevieve Nnaji flaunting her new golden iPhone was more than shocking.It goes to show Nigerians expect other people to live by their own standard. Some of the commenters said that she was been childish, some said it was poverty mentality to flaunt items you own, others said it was an ordinary iPhone so there was no need to flaunt it.

 People are hypocrites or unrealistic to the fact that celebs are celebs and don't live and think anymore like the ordinary man who don't know what it takes to be in their shoes. 

Instagram is for sharing pictures you love, sharing special moments  of your life. After buying huge houses in Lekki and other expensive items, it's a plus if Genny can still be thrilled by just an iPhone.She loved her phone, so she flaunts it. 

If an artist flaunts a  Bugatti, we will clap for them because we feel people should really flaunt expensive things and that is a wrong mentality. If something is dear to you, whatever the price tag, you have the right to flaunt it,,,,, period.

On the caption of the iPhone, she sent a thanks to the makers of the phone. Maybe she got a very good discount or she got the phone free of charge, so the best she could do was to give a shout out to them and to rejoice for her new acquisition. 

Lets not forget she did not state the price the phone is worth. It was bloggers that researched and came up with the price tag.

People should realize that celebrities partly live their lives for the public, they want to remain popular by staying connected and close to their fans and by so doing they take pictures often, chat or even engage in charitable giving like Genny and other celebs like her have been doing.

Also, because celebs are connected to or followed by many people,they are used for promotion of different products by big  companies. 

Few minutes ago, On Iyanya Instagram page, he wore a Zenox computer shirt, where "Iyanya" was crested on the back of the shirt. I was surprised when some fans attacked him about him starting to show off. Then i knew the problem with our judgmental fans is that they are ignorant of what is going on in the celebrity world. Weeks ago, Iyanya was signed to Zenox Computer for about $350,00k as an ambassador and the least he can do is to promote their products at any given time required by the company, so he has a job to do.

I have seen celebs here in the UK flaunting their clothes, shoes and almost anything you can think of and the next day, sales go up for that particular product.

This goes for so many celebs who are been called names for showing off.Its unfair to judge, if you don't like their lifestyle, keep off comments that portray you as insensitive or unhappy for their success.
If even men of God with all their spiritual discipline could not tame wealth so they flaunt new jets, new expensive cars and houses, i don't see why an ordinary individual should be different. Lets cut them some slack.

One day you will be a celeb too, you won't want to be ridiculed for flaunting that car of your dreams,,

Let them breathe,,,,,
written by Samuel Jnr Oghogho
Blogger,IT specialist( I welcome your criticisms and your suggestions for a better society where we can all live as friends).


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