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Revealed:Lace Front Wigs Causes Forehead Cancer

Nigerians are quick to embrace foreign fashion trends without first knowing the side effects. Our women go to extreme length to be beautiful but the time has come for the ladies to pause, let researchers decide if some fashion trends for white ladies are good for black ladies. One of such research has shown that lace front wig is the leading cause of forehead cancer in African American women.

After years of studies, this cancer has shown to be more prevalent in women, especially African American women, who wear tightly laced wigs because of the abnormal cells that are able to form under the moist heat that is usually a result of over-wearing the head pieces.

Cancer Center of America Representative Ronald DePinho described the hair trend as a forehead eating disease. “The amount of wig wearing youngsters has increased 3 fold,” he admitted during the study.


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