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Not Again! Lover Impregnates Another Actress


It's indeed a shame the kind of stuffs we now celebrate these days. Values no longer mean anything! So getting pregnant without being married is now a thing of pride that single ladies celebrate?

Nollywood actress, Nse Ikpe is pregnant and it happened out of wedlock. As you all know she isn't married. A credible source told newsmen that the actress didn't know on time that she was pregnant but has vowed to keep the baby.

Consequently, I hear she's doing everything to ensure that the marriage happen. My source said she has told the guy responsible of her decision and will do everything possible for their marriage, even if it means she has to spend most of the money.
She  posted the doll picture above on her Instagram page with the caption 'Doll, Toy, Getting ready for... *wink*'

The pregnancy would become obvious soon so Nse was said to have hurriedly held a private engagement without the knowledge of most of her colleagues in the movie industry. The man responsible is said to be playing it cool with Nse but rumours suggest he is not very comfortable with all the "rushing things".

See her pregnancy related tweet below....