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Why You Should Delay First S*x

 Research suggests that people who have their first s*xual experience later than average are likely to have more satisfying romantic relationships as adults.Using data from the National Longitudinal Study on Adolescent Health, a new study considered 1,659 same-s*x sibling pairs who were followed from adolescence (around age 16) to young adulthood (around 29).

 Each sibling was classified as having an early (younger than 15), on-time (age 15-19), or late (older than 19) first experience with s*xual intercourse.

Among the participants who were married or living with a partner, people with later s*xual initiation were more likely to say that they were happy with the way they and their partners handled conflict, that their partners showed them love and affection, and that they enjoyed doing day-to-day things with their partners.

The association held up even after taking genetic and environmental factors into account and could not be explained by differences in adult educational attainment, income, or religiousness, or by adolescent differences in dating involvement, body mass index, or attractiveness.

“Most people experience their first intimate relationships when they are teenagers, but few studies have examined how these adolescent experiences are related to marital relationships in adulthood,” says Paige Harden, assistant professor in the Department of Psychology at the University of Texas at Austin and author of the study published in the journal Psychological Science.

Although research has often focused on the consequences of early s*xual activity, the “early” and “on-time” participants in the current study were largely indistinguishable, suggesting that early initiation is not a “risk” factor so much as late initiation is a “protective” factor in shaping romantic outcomes.

The study also found that people who had a first s*xual experience later were less likely to be married and had fewer romantic relationships, possibly because they might be pickier in ultimately choosing romantic and sexual partners, Harden says.

“Individuals who first navigate intimate relationships in young adulthood, after they have accrued cognitive and emotional maturity, may learn more effective relationship skills than individuals who first learn scripts for intimate relationships while they are still teenagers.”
Future research can help to determine which of these mechanisms may actually be at work in driving the association between timing of first s*xual intercourse and later romantic outcomes.

“We still don’t understand precisely why delaying s*xual intercourse is correlated with more satisfied adult relationships,” Harden says.

“In the future, we are interested in looking at whether s*xually active teens are more likely to have negative relationship experiences like intimate partner violence that may put them at risk for worse relationship outcomes later in life.”

Delaying s*xual intercourse isn’t always associated with more positive outcomes. In her previous work, Harden found that teenagers who were s*xually active in romantic dating relationships had fewer delinquent behavior problems.
“The idea that abstaining from sex is always ‘good’ for teens is an oversimplification. Teenagers’ sexual experiences are complicated.”

While the research might not have proven enough the advantages of delayed first s*x over early s*x, it is important to note that s*x isn’t something for the immature mind, as it may have far-reaching psychological effects which only the mature mind is capable of handling.
Source: University of Texas-Austin