Popular music producer Solomon Oyeniyi known as K-Solo and his estranged wife, Kikelomo Oyeniyi, welcomed a bouncing baby boy yesterday October 26th. The producer’s wife, Kikelomo announced the arival of her new born baby via Twitter yesterday, just a few days after K Solo announced his engagement to another lady called Linda Jacks aka D.J Babylyn.
Meanwhile, K Solo has reportedly denied the paternity of the child due to some reasons sources close to him referred to as an earlier controversial text message from Kike on the paternity of the baby.
According to what the source said, he (the source), has access to K-Solo’s phone number, which serves as his business number posted online on the singer’s Facebook page.
The unedited purported message allegedly sent to K Solo by Kike reads, “Sorry we neva ad any baby together. Moreover, am sure Bimbo shud b able to giv u d one she was unable to giv u for 7yrs. And less i forget, ur eyes and dat of ur family wud not behold nor carry my child cuz u already denied d pregnancy. Ds pregnancy does not know Oyeniyi family and can neva be an Oyeniyi member. God forbid ! So go bak and tell ur people. If u know wat is gud for u, stay off me, my baby and my family. I regret knowin u and ur family and i cause d day i met u. Good riddance to bad rubbish.”