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Justin Bieber Reveal Why He Loves Selena Gomez

Justin Bieber revealed what type of women he’s attracted to in a new issue of Top of the Pops magazine. Also, find out exactly what he thinks of Selena Gomez!

 ”I’m attracted to someone who’s a good listener, who is there for me and who pays attention to what I am saying,” Justin told Top of the Pops magazine. 

Furthermore, Justin is interested in a woman who appreciates his softer side! 

“Also, I’m very affectionate so need someone affectionate like me.” But just like most men, Justin won’t turn away from a looker! 

Of Selena, Justin says, ”She’s hot. Of course, every guy likes their girl to be hot, which Selena is. 

But I like to mess around and pull jokes, so I like to be around people who make me laugh and share my sense of humor. That’s Selena for sure. She is a really great person and I think she has one of the best smiles in the world.”