Rihanna – you told Oprah that Chris Brown was your true love, and that you STILL love him so much that your stomach freaks out when you see him. But Chris Brown is not returning your feelings! A source close to the singer tells HollywoodLife that while Chris does love you, he’s “not tied to” you.
It’s also obvious to Chris and his friends that you’re “jocking” him, or in other words, “completely all over him.” He also, as you know, has a steady and apparently live-in girlfriend, Karrueche Tran. Now Rihanna, even though you feel like Chris is your #1 love, is he really treating you like you are HIS #1 love?
Why Doesn’t Chris Appreciate You?
If anything, he should be groveling at your feet. After all, he’s the one who assaulted you, and he needed your forgiveness. Yes, he has worked hard to change his behavior, control his anger, complete the terms of his community service and probation. That is all very commendable. He has also actively spoke out against domestic violence. He recently co-hosted a back-to-school event with the Jenesse Center, and it’s youth advocacy group, The Change in Sept.
in LA. Apparently, he has spent many hours without cameras at the facilities working with parents and children affected by domestic violence. That’s truly great. And Rihanna — we hear that you are rightly proud of Chris for his positive activities.
But that is different from you carrying a torch for a man who at 22, just isn’t apparently ready to recommit to an exclusive relationship with you. You don’t need to be seen by Chris as the girl who is all over him and always available.
You need to be treasured. Rihanna — you’ve described Chris as your “best friend” and you’ve acted like one. You tweeted to him that you were praying for him when he had to go to court earlier this week on Monday, Sept. 24, to go over the terms of his probation.
How You’ve Stood By Chris
You told Oprah that after he battered you, your first concern was for him because he “needed help” and “he wasn’t a monster.” You had incredible understanding for him. And you’ve shown him tremendous ongoing love and loyalty.
Now, I’m not saying that Chris hasn’t learned and bettered himself as a person — I believe he has. But I also don’t think he’s ready to absolutely make you his #1 love. And this has nothing to do with whether or not he kissed Nicole Scherzinger at Supperclub on Sept. 26. Even if he did, I don’t think that meant anything.
But what I am saying is that you are a beautiful, intelligent, talented, interesting, loving woman who is a wonderful daughter, sister and friend. You deserve to have a man who does worship you and can commit if you’re ready.
Listen — Chris is just 22, and guys are often just less mature and ready for real commitment than us women. He may be just plain taking you for granted, Rihanna! In the meantime, Rihanna, you are never going to be able to love another man and let another man love you, if you don’t detach from Chris.