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Angelina Jolie on Oscar Pose Craze, Controversy: I Don't Even Pay Attention

Angelina Jolie's Oscar night pose got 10 times the attention of the Best Picture winner, but the actress says she doesn't even pay attention to that noise.

Despite spawning a hilarious photoshop trend (below, right) and even her own Twitter hashtag (#jolieing), she didn't even realize there was a media craze.

In other words, when you're this cool, you make the news. You don't read it.

The woman with the most revealing, famous right leg in the biz tells the Huffington Post, "I honestly didn't pay attention to it. You know what I mean?"

"I don't watch the shows and if I go online and see something about myself, I don't click on it. And the people I surround myself with don't really talk about that kind of stuff ... I did hear something, but I didn't pay any attention."

"It's as simple as being a woman, picking out a dress you like and having a good night, and not really thinking about anything else."

Yeah right. More people feel sorry for Kim Kardashian getting flour bombed than believe she posed like that naturally, then didn't revel in the attention.


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