More reactions have continued to trail the death sentence recently passed on Al Mustapha, the Chief Security Officer to the late former Head of States, General Sani Abacha, for the murder of Kudirat Abiola, wife of M.K.O. Abiola. Entertainment Express, having followed the case decided to get reactions from entertainers over the judgment passed by Justice Dada.
It is indeed good to forgive. But forgiveness has to follow repentance and restitution. If Al-Mustapha wants pardon, then let him be penitent and seek forgiveness from those he hurt mercilessly. Anything to the contrary leaves him as a sadist who deserves no pity. I think those who are clamouring for his release should advice him to do the right thing.
Yes. I think if he is found guilty let him be hanged. That will serve as example to others. Our land has been defiled by innocent blood that keeps crying to God.
I believe the case was delayed because it is a high profile case. In the United State of America, to sentence someone for death penalty takes even longer period of time in order to make sure that all evidences are carefully scrutinized.
Al-Mustapha will now be placed in a death cell and will be tortured mentally until he is brought before the hangman, who will do the job. What a very painful way to die? Those who live by the sword must die and perish by the sword. A man who says there is no God is a fool.
To err is human and to forgive is divine. What will it profit anyone if the man is killed? Let us live to forgive so that our sins could be forgiven too. I’m not saying that the wicked should go unpunished but let there be fair treatment. I personally feel the Abiolas’ family should forgive and leave judgment for God to decide. God bless them.
Yes, One may be quick to say those who kill by the sword must die by the sword. I see the sentence as political. One would like to know if truly the killers of Bola Ige, Moshood Abiola and Dele Giwa, are not known? Are some killers more privileged than others? How come the investigations and trials of those other victims came to a halt?
I’m sure God will forgive him if he is bold enough to acknowledge his misdeed before he is killed. The natural laws of the land will take its course and the greater spiritual laws of God will take its course in due time.
I never knew I would be alive to see this day. Mustapha thought that he was a demigod and can make and unmake. Here was a man in the army who was worshipped and feared by Generals. Mustapha gave orders and they saluted and worshipped him like a tin god. He and his friends believed that they were untouchables. They made so many good people monsters. Unluckily for him, his death will be the most painful, Rewane and Kudirat, were slaughtered in cool blood, at least, they died quickly and without prolonged pains.
After almost 12 years of waiting for justice to be done, it finally came with a resounding notice that no matter how long it takes, evil people will always get rewards for their evil machinations. Who did not know the details of Al-Mustapha’s many atrocities in the days of Abacha? Who did not know how he plotted and eliminated many Abacha perceived enemies then, without knowing that judgment day is coming? Who did not know how he personally humiliated and disgraced Generals in the Army and kept them waiting for days to have audience with Abacha? Who did not know that he kept and maintained a killer squad who killed many innocent Nigerians including Alhaja Kudirat Abiola to sustain Abacha’s dictatorship? This judgment is a welcome development and it shows at once that there is hope for this country. It gives hope to the hopeless and provides a healing balm to the wounded.
I looked at the judgment from the point of international law, especially the one that has to do with international declaration of human rights in December 1998, where it was declared that each person has a right to live and as such no one shall be subjected to torture, degradation and any inhuman treatment, and I ask, what is Nigeria doing about that? Well, I think the lawyers and judges know better.
They say justice delayed is justice denied, but that did not happen in this case. When Nigerians are in offices, or in the corridors of power through usurpation, they believe that they can do anything and get away with it. In this case due process was followed and they have the right to appeal even to the highest court in the land. At least they have those rights, but what of the victims that were killed in cold blood with extra judicial killings. They say justice is slow but sure. Al Mustapha and co cannot complain because at least, they had their days in courts. They had the best lawyers money can buy in Nigeria. Thank God the judgment has been passed.
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