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Melodious voiced singer,Waje was on Saturday,October 1,2011,operated upon to remove her inflamed and infected appendix.
Confirming she really had an appendix that was almost rupturing,she said she was initially treating malaria not knowing she had a more complicated ailment. I was not feeling too well.So,I had to see my doctor.After receiving treatment,I went home only to find out I could not walk properly.

It was really painful.After undergoing full scan,It was discovered I had appendicitis(an illness in which the appendix is infected and painful and usually needs to be removed by surgery). That was how I was booked for surgery I never planned.I thank God for saving my precious life Waje narrated. 

Already discharged from a Lagos private hospital,Aitauaja Iroube,as her parents named her at birth,would be working from home until she fully recovers. I’m working slowly so as not to jeopardize my health.Although,I am convalescing at home,I am trying to stay strong before resuming work.

I hope to be strong to perform at the October 22 Hip Hop World Awards and other shows I have been booked she explained