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Home » , » Beyonce is building a 2,200 square foot nursery for her baby…

Beyonce is building a 2,200 square foot nursery for her baby…

Why wouldn’t a baby need over 2,000 square feet to crawl around in, sure seems reasonable to us. Still if you’ve got obscene amounts of cash you may as well splash it in obscene ways. 

This “mega crib,” as it’s being dubbed, is going to be built in the pair’s NY home which is in Manhattan’s TriBeCa district. Some of the singer's pals don’t think it’s a very good idea though and have warned Beyonce (seen here out in NY yesterday, coincidently) against it.

A source told an American magazine this week: “Some people are like, "Won't you be scared to leave your baby in that huge room?,"' 

Why in case it wanders off and gets lost like a guinea pig? The only thing that’s in danger of happening in a room of that size is that the baby’s screams are going to be magnified twice over into some kind of booming echo, which won't be pleasant.