See,she did not return,what happened was that she came to the house,because in our Yoruba tradition she has the right to visit the father of her child or children and if there is a space or accommodation,she can stay briefly to see her children.
So what happened was that she came and she has been coming.But that did not mean that she was coming to beg me or for me to beg her because that chapter is closed for now.
But how do you normally feel,that you are not living with the mother of your first child?
(Mood changes) Do you want me to stop this interview? If you want me to continue,stop asking me question about my private life.
As it is now,is Ruggedman your enemy?
Yes,but let us not go into that for now because,I have more important things to think about.
Ruggedman for now is struggling to release a new song that will sell,so for now I advice Ruggedman to learn song writing.
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