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It is a must for you to believe in the idea you have started if you want that idea to survive. You have to believe in the idea that it can prosper you and that it will succeed or else it will crumble when it begins to meet with realities of life. Whatever the idea is, whether business or venture or ministry, it will first crawl when you are starting it. This is normal. During crawling stage, there will be various challenges which may make you think that you are doing the wrong thing, so if you don’t believe in it during this crawling stage it will not be able to stand. Robert Schuller says, “Until you believe, you cannot achieve.” Double-minded people can never emerge achievers. Lack of belief is poison to an idea which will definitely kill it. Likewise, belief is to an idea what fuel is to a car. No matter how beautiful a car is, it will not get to anywhere without fuel. In fact, it will not work at all. Same thing applies to an idea.


Commitment means you put your totality into it. Commitment means you are always thinking of the idea and working on it. Sam Adeyemi says, “Success comes only to those who are committed to their ideas”. Many people start ideas but only few people are committed to their ideas. Commitment is the difference between success and failure. Only committed people succeed with their ideas. Committed ones are willing to do whatever it takes to see their ideas work. Your ideas require your time, energy, brain work, planning, money, prayer and everything about you. There is a saying, “In the business of making bacon and eggs, the chicken is involved but the pig is committed”. It means for you to eat the egg, it does not cost the chicken its life. The chicken lays the egg and continues to live; but for you to eat the bacon, the pig has to die. If you are going to succeed in your idea you have to die to your personal interests and make a lot of sacrifices before the idea can work.


Determination is making up your mind that you will stay with that idea to the end no matter what happens. In the journey to success, you will encounter storms, gallops, stoppers, and the rest on the road but you have to keep going even when the going is rough and it seems the road is blocked. When you fall down on the road you have to get up and keep going again. All the rough times you meet on the way are to equip you so that you will be able to keep the success when it comes. Determination is the force to break every barrier on the way to success in one’s idea. When the chicken sees a storm, it runs away but when an eagle sees the storm, it rises above it and continues the journey. The crown of success is given to those who have gone through the fire and come out alive. A lot of people go through fire but only those who come out alive are crowned with success. Zig Ziglar says, “Where there is will, there is a way.” Be determined to face and conquer whatever comes your way before getting to where you are going.


You need someone who has already arrived at the destination you are travelling to. He will guide you against costly errors. Is your own idea running a school, an IT firm, a media business, or a religious ministry? Get someone in that area who has succeeded in it and learn from him.


 Whatever you don’t commit to the hand of God, you leave in the hand of the devil and the devil is the chief enemy of success. There are evil forces outside there ready to stop you. That is why you must be prayerful concerning your idea. I see success running after you by you getting an idea, starting it and putting on the five garments mentioned here. Success is your portion in life!


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