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Home » , , » KISS dropped from Michael Jackson Tribute Concert after fans complained about 'molester' comment

KISS dropped from Michael Jackson Tribute Concert after fans complained about 'molester' comment

The plug has been pulled on KISS.

Promoters of the Michael Jackson Tribute Concert have responded to overwhelming criticism and decided to drop KISS from the roster.

Only Monday, KISS was announced to play the concert, despite comments made by frontman Gene Simmons that the King of Pop had been a pedophile.

"There is no question in my mind he molested those kids," Simmons said last year. "Not a doubt."

After TMZ broke the news, fans of MJ were outragd, and his estate fired off a letter to promoters.

The letter stated that it was "extraordinarly embarrassing" that "no sooner than you announced this 'news' that he would paticipate in your concert that TMZ posted an item noting that Mr. Simmons called Michael Jackson - the man you are puportedly honoring - a child molester..."

Other concerns were addressed, including where the proceeds for the concert would be going and a non-guarantee that announced artists would peform.

"We have listened to Michael's fans and are grateful to have been alerted to these unfortunate statements by Gene Simmons," promoters told TMZ.

"Under the circumstances we fully agree that even though KISS is a band Michael admired we ahve no choice but to rescind our invitation to them to appear in our tribute concert."


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