According to NETng, Nollywood Colleagues of actress, Foluke Daramola, were absent at the premiere of her new movie, Cobweb. The event which held on Saturday, June 28, 2014 at the Silverbird Cinemas, Ikeja had in attendance friends and fans of the actress but only a few of her colleagues, including Ayo Adesanya, Toyin Aimakhu-Johnson and her husband, Adeniyi Johnson.
The movie, Cobweb is directed by Toka Mcbaror and stars Uti Nwachukwu, Funsho Adeolu, Dele Odule, Saheed Balogun, and Tamara Eteimo, all of whom were conspicuously absent.
It tells the story of a young boy, Sam, gifted with a good voice but whose father wants to become a scientist. The twist and turn of events led to the separation of the family and Sam grows to become a popular singer-cum actor.
Atleast, the actors and actress of the movie should have turned up.
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