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Home » » REVEALED: Why I Denied Having A Son - Ice Prince

REVEALED: Why I Denied Having A Son - Ice Prince

Well this isn't unusual with young fathers, they often deny their children but to a certain point its understandable only if they go back to father the child.
It also happened to Ice Prince but he didn't leave the child, he only denied having it probably because of the media but he's now a proud father showing off his child at his recent excerpts of his interview below:
How has fatherhood changed you?
 It has taught me to save my money. It is a huge difference and a huge change in lifestyle. You become more matured.
 You initially denied having a baby?
 It was complicated back then, I didn’t really know what was happening and I wasn’t sure of certain things. So the best I had to do then was denying it and sort out things first. Now I know he is my child and I have done everything as a father ever since.
 What is the relationship like with his mother?
 I speak with her often and it is usually about the baby. That is all for now.
 Have you started thinking about marriage?
 No, I’m fully focused on my music.


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