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Home » » SHOCKER: 'All Catholics will go to hell' - Pastor Chris Okotie

SHOCKER: 'All Catholics will go to hell' - Pastor Chris Okotie

This is quite unacceptable to say but not regarding how so many people will react to it he still did so openly in his church during a sermon last week, but the truth is every one has their opinions about churches and he shared his opinion to his his words below:
”All Catholics in the world will go to hell because they worship Satan and are led by an Anti-Christ Pope who is a friend to the devil.
They are not Christians and have never been. They don’t know Jesus. They believe that
when they eat bread on Sundays, they are eating the body of Jesus. It’s ritual. The pope is an Anti-Christ and the Catholic church will soon declare for Satan. This is the end of times..
“They don’t believe in heaven. They believe in purgatory, the purgatory that they invented,” Okotie said.
“That church, the Catholic church has been there for Satan and at the right time, they will declare for Satan,”Okotie said.
 He said Catholics are definitely not Christians and do not worship the same Christ that he preaches in his church, at least the one spoken about in the Bible.

 Okotie said he did not write the Bible but it was clear to him that those in the Catholic church were lost and were heading to hell fire.

Okotie has been married twice and divorced also twice said a beauty pageant will take place in his church next Sunday to select the most beautiful woman in his church.


  1. Okoti is the anti-christ. His church and generations will go to hell. U pple can publish rubbish o.

    1. The words of a frustrated hopeless undesirable element who cannot even keep to marital vows let alone professing the Christian faith.I don't think Okotie is truly a Pastor or just hiding under that umbrella to deceive people.At the end of it all we will all know who is deceiving who.

  2. just a pity a self acclaimed man of God will make himself controversial,,

  3. Mr okotie not pastor okotie, that same bible said don't condemn so that you shall not be condemned. Sorry for saying this, you are a capital FOOL. God knows who is worshipping him,

  4. for every joke or rumour there is a micro possibility he is saying the truth. i was a catholic and i never enjoyed my experience with some things i witnessed. Indians bow to worship some funny looking images, what makes it different from what the Catholics do? or it is because its called mary, painted and designed like a woman? Common...An image is an image u dnt sugar coat it just to worship it or honour it as they always claim. After Jesus died He sent the spirit to dowel in us. no one gets to the father accept through Jesus. if i can go to Jesus directly, why do i need to pray to mary to talk to Jesus for me. when the holy spirit dowels in me for spiritual communication. lets take things easy and wake up. mary is just like other virgins we have around now but she was privileged to birth Christ. it just like obama privileged to be the first black to be president in america. let us thank our mother mary today and for today but not worship her till today.

  5. Thanks my brother ,but you see alot of people will not see it now especially as they look at him from his marital positin and also see him as one of us " A prophet is not regarded in his home " any way the Bible is clear about it in the book of Daniels that the pope is the beast and he bears the mark on his head take it or leave it . The Catholic is also responsible for changing the times and Laws of GOD by changing the Sabbath worship to Sunday and the times from sun down to sun down as recorded in the book of Genessis to 12 midnight to 12 midnight so the lord will vindicate Chris Okotie with time. but untill then let us take a closer look at the BIBLE on our own not my pastor say .

