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Home » » WHAT : Celebrity Admits To Smoking 15-Joints Of Marijuana A Day

WHAT : Celebrity Admits To Smoking 15-Joints Of Marijuana A Day

 In a recent interview with Attitude magazine, American star, Lady Gaga revealed she became hooked on weed and was smoking up to "15 joints a day" to cope with the pain from her hip surgery.

I was smoking 15 joints a day. No tobacco. ''It was a habit that eventually occurred when the pain got so bad with the hip.

 I was just numbing, numbing, numbing myself and then sleeping it off and then getting on stage, killing it in pain, then getting off and smoking, smoking, smoking, not knowing what the pain was.''

 Read  how she stopped herself below?

In true Gaga fashion, she went to a naked retreat in the wood. Yes, the "Applause" crooner revealed performance artist Marina Abramovic and her, um, unique methods helped her kick the habit.

''It wasn’t until I was with Marina and she said, ‘Okay you’re coming to my house, no television, no computer, no marijuana, no nothing, no food. For three days, art only. You eat only art,” she explained. ”I cold-turkeyed. For weeks and weeks I didn’t smoke at all.''

But Gaga isn't completely over week just yet. The singer added that she still indulges in her herb once in a while:“Now I smoke a little bit at night, just you know, for fun - but not to cope. That’s the difference. Marina was the only person who could get me to do that and it was not intended to be rehab.''


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